United States | 6-9 days

Worldwide | 7-10 days

Please note that on average we need 1-3 business days to fulfill your order before it is shipped. Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get your order to you as soon as possible! Once your order has been shipped, the estimated delivery time is 4 - 10 business days depending on your country or region. Please note that holidays may affect delivery times.

At Lhanel we celebrate the act of discovery. We work with small suppliers from all over the world to share their products, some of our products are shipped directly from our suppliers overseas. Due to the nature of the shipping industry delays are often inevitable, all our shipping times are therefore guidelines only and specific delivery dates are not guaranteed.

For pre-ordered or back-ordered items:

If your order contains a pre-ordered or backordered item, we will ship all items we have available immediately and ship the pre-ordered or backordered items immediately when we have them available. So if you ordered more than one item in one order and only receive part of your item, don't worry. You will receive your other items shortly thereafter.

Track your order:

You will receive a confirmation email and/or SMS, if you have provided a mobile phone number, containing a tracking ID and a link to track the journey of your package. To track your package, you can visit the link in your tracking email. If you are unsure of your tracking ID, please check your email. Please allow 2-4 business days for tracking information to appear.

Disclaimer wrong address:

It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the shipping address entered is correct. We do our best to expedite processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct an incorrect shipping address.

Please contact us immediately at if you believe you have provided an incorrect shipping address.


For more information on returns, please see our Returns Policy.